
Science Olympiad is an international non-profit organization devoted to increasing student interest in science.  This is partially accomplished through an annual competition where teams compete in science and engineering events. Dansville’s Science Olympiad teams typically start meeting after school in October, with evening meetings added later in the year. Students in Science Olympiad work toward the goal of competing in the Regional Science Olympiad Tournament at Lansing Community College in March.  Up to five of the top schools at Regionals move on to the state competition in April at Michigan State University.

Science Olympiad Goals:

  • To create a passion for learning science by supporting elementary and secondary Science Olympiad tournaments at building, district, county, state and national levels with an emphasis on teamwork and a commitment to excellence.

  • To improve the quality of K-12 science education throughout the nation by changing the way science is perceived and the way it is taught (with an emphasis on problem solving and hands-on, minds-on constructivist learning practices). This goal is accomplished through in-depth core curriculum training workshops and the distribution of curriculum materials.

  • To celebrate and recognize the outstanding achievement of both students and teachers in the areas of science and technology by awarding thousand of certificates, medals, trophies and scholarships.

  • To promote partnerships among community, businesses, industry, government and education.

Science Olympiad Tournament Goals:

  • To bring science to life, to show how science works, to emphasize problem solving aspects of science and the understanding of science concepts.

  • To develop teamwork and cooperative learning strategies among students.

  • To make science education more exciting so more students will enroll in science courses and engage in other science activities like science reading, fairs, meetings and field trips.

  • To promote high levels of achievement and a commitment to excellence, to demonstrate that American students can perform at levels that surpasses expectations of even practicing scientists and engineers.

  • To attract more students particularly females and minorities to professional and technical careers in science, technology and science teaching.


Michelle Bennett

Member Responsibilities

Attending meetings about once a month

  • Members are responsible for all class materials missed due to Student Council meetings.
  • The meeting times will be determined by the Advisors as needed.
  • Students are to notify his/her 6th hour teacher of the meeting at least two days in advance to be excused. Students must get all assignments and record information in his/her agenda before leaving for the meeting.

Members must maintain a 2.0 grade average in all classes to participate in Student Council

  • A student falling below a 2.0 grade point average in any class will be suspended from meetings and activities until his/her class average has improved and approval to miss class from the classroom teacher has been received.

Members are responsible for attending and assisting at Student Council activities

  • If a member is unable to attend, the Student Council Advisors must be notified in advance.
  • These activities include but are not limited to the following:
    • Selling refreshments at DMS sports activities.
    • After school and evening activities sponsored by Student Council.

Members are responsible for their own transportation after school hours

  • Members are to keep their fellow classmates informed on activities, events, and other information.
  • Members are to promote citizenship skills, leadership skills, and act as role models for other DMS students at all times.
  • Members are to be supportive of Student Council and its activities.


Michelle Redman
517-623-6120, ext. 3120

Sara Andrews
