Special Education

Dansville Schools, in partnership with Ingham Intermediate School District (Ingham ISD), is committed to high expectations for all students and ensuring access to and progress in the general education curriculum for all students.

Improving educational results for students with disabilities is an essential element of promoting equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, economic self-sufficiency and further education or training.

We are able to provide school-wide supports, teacher consultant support services, resource services and a secondary basic classroom for the students of Dansville Schools. Our classroom teachers, professional staff and paraprofessionals provide appropriate educational programs and services for our students. In recognition of the diverse needs of students, Dansville Schools’ partnership with Ingham ISD provides the opportunity to operate special education programming and services according to the Individuals With Disabilities Education and Improvement Act (IDEA), inclusive of those identified under the Michigan Administrative Rules for Special Education. Eligibility for Special Education services is determined through a referral and evaluation process.

What to do if I suspect my child has a disability?

If your child is suspected of having a disability, anyone can refer him or her to the school for an evaluation. This may be done by contacting the child’s teacher, principal, school counselor or building special education coordinator.

A Multidisciplinary Evaluation Team (MET) will meet to review information needed about your child and determine what evaluations are needed. The team includes specialists from different educational areas. Parents are important members of this team and provide valuable information.

Once written consent is received, the MET team will conduct testing within 30 school days. The MET team will make a recommendation for eligibility to the Individual Education Program (IEP) team. The district will schedule a meeting to develop an IEP.

A Parent's Guide to Special Education Webpage


Tania Dupuis
Special Education Coordinator